Why you need solution driven collaborative advisors


Collaborative lawyering is an integrated approach, prioritising commercial outcomes with the intention of resolving disputes and reaching commercial solutions outside of the litigious arena.

Here’s why you need collaborative advisers on your team:

Solutions focused: They focus on strategic problem-solving, working with the other party to find effective solutions to reach a reasonable compromise.

Cost-effective: By tapping into the expertise of professionals from diverse disciplines and sharing information, duplication of fees is avoided, and clients don’t end up paying for advisors trying to cover bases in areas that are not their specialty.

Less stressful: Focusing on a solutions-based approach can actively work to reduce tension and conflict between the parties. Channelling the attention and energy of clients on solutions is a much more productive use of everyone’s time and money.

Better outcomes: Collaborative advisors that share a common objective can prioritise more creative and satisfying solutions that are tailored towards reaching a sensible commercial outcome.

We know what we don’t know, and openly work with experts in varying areas of law and other commercial specialties. Our priority is to ensure you have the right people advising you at the right time to get the best result. It’s all about you.

If you’re looking for a new way of engaging with advisors who prioritise your commercial interests, drop us a line at hello@prismalegal.com.au.